Landlord Information

OERAP Landlord Call Center OERAP is pleased to announce specialized call support service for landlords and property managers. This service is available to landlords who have been notified that their tenant successfully completed an OERAP application. General questions about the program or questions about utility assistance should continue to be directed to 211 to be connected to wrap around services and supports. Landlords inquiring about a specific application should call the phone support team during regular business hours: 844-378-2931.
Landlord Guarantee Program: The Landlord Guarantee Program (LGP) reimburses landlords for eligible non-payment costs incurred during the “safe harbor” established by the Oregon Legislature. Do you have a tenant with outstanding rent debt who has applied for rent help, the Landlord Guarantee Program may be able to help. When a tenant gives the landlord documentation from rent assistance provided that they have applied for rent assistance the “safe harbor” begins. Oregon’s Landlord Guarantee Program reimburses landlords for eligible non-payment costs, like rent and late fees, incurred during the “safe harbor” period. Find out additional details by visiting the website.

Important update about Denials Are you curious if one of your tenants applied and was denied? In the event that one of your tenants may be denied, you can log in to see the status of your tenant’s applications. If you need help establishing a login code, or you have other questions please call the landlord call center at 844-378-2931.
Important Information about Expected Wait Times SB 891 directs OHCS to first process applications received before the Dec. 1, 2021 pause. Applications received on or after Jan. 26, 2022, will be processed after those applications are processed. Tenants who complete an application may receive safe harbor protections that prevent landlords from evicting tenants until their application is processed. However, those tenants should expect a delay prior to processing and payment. Households with the most need will have priority in accessing these resources, not on a first-come, first-served basis. Processing on the new pool of applicants will not begin immediately. Additionally, applications received on or after Jan. 26, 2022, will be paid based on remaining funding available and are not guaranteed. Applications still awaiting landlord/tenant response at the time of closure are subject to funds remaining when the application is finalized and approved, and prioritization scoring is applied and are not guaranteed for payment.
Legal Resources for Landlords The Oregon State Bar offers provides resources and referrals to landlords around Landlord-Tenant Law. You can find more information on their website.
What to Expect as a Landlord
Watch the landlord overview video* detailing the steps you take to participate in the program:
*Please note this video was filmed prior to the initial launch of the program prior to application improvements. For the most current information about program changes and updates please review the FAQs.
Effective immediately:
OHCS is removing the requirement to stay evictions for nonpayment of rent for 90 days after the period of assistance. This change is retroactive for all OERAP agreements that have been signed by Landlords and Property Owners.
Any landlords who have previously signed the Landlord/Property Owner Attestation for OERAP do not need to sign another agreement in order to qualify for this waiver. OHCS will not enforce this provision on any prior or future agreement. All other terms and conditions of the OERAP agreements remain unchanged and are still in effect.
After a tenant applies for program funds, landlords will be contacted by email to review and confirm certain information in the tenant’s application (be sure to watch your inbox closely as emails generated by the application portal can sometimes end up in junk/spam folders). You will also be asked to provide your W-9, as well as your direct deposit or ACH payment information and a copy of a canceled check.
In most cases, funds for approved applications will be dispersed directly to the landlord on the tenant’s behalf via direct deposit or check. Due to the anticipated high volume of applications, at this time we cannot guarantee a timeframe for application review and processing. Responding to requests for information in a timely manner and communicating with your tenant will help improve the speed of the application process.
Program funds are not first-come-first-serve. Funds will be distributed based on a formula that prioritizes applications based on need. Everyone who turns in a completed application will have their application reviewed.
Have more questions about eligibility and the program? Go to the Frequently Asked Questions page. If you need additional help, see the Tenant Resources page.
Support Your Tenants:
A Checklist for Landlords
You can support your tenants by spreading the word about the program, providing documents to help their application go smoothly, and making sure you have the right documents ready for verification as their application goes through the process.
#1 Spread the Word
Share information with tenants about the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Tell tenants to visit for more details about eligibility and how to apply.
If you have tenants who do not have easy access to a computer or reliable internet, you can also assist them by downloading and printing a paper version of the application. You can also download our printable documents to distribute here.
#2 Help Eligible Tenants Prepare
If you have tenants who may be eligible for emergency rental assistance, you can help them gather the documents and information they need for a successful application by providing the following:
- Provide your current contact information for the application, including your valid and active email address, phone number, address, and business name (if applicable). If you are a management company with multiple properties, be sure to distribute guidance on what address and contact information property managers should share with tenants to use.
- Send tenants a copy of their current lease and a ledger or rent due statement (it’s helpful to have it broken down by month). If you do not have a lease for your tenant, you can fill out and sign a Landlord Verification of Rent Due form.
- TIP: If you have a scanner, scan and send documents whenever possible so your tenant has the file ready to upload. If your tenant does not have a scanner, you may also assist your tenant by offering to scan other documents they may need for their application.
#3 Prepare to Verify Applications
Watch for emails regarding tenant applications and be prepared to respond in a timely manner. Be sure to also check your spam/junk folder for emails from the application portal.
Get ready for your part of the process by having the following documents ready to go:
- Your W-9
- Your direct deposit or ACH payment information and a copy of a canceled check