Tenant Resources

If you have questions about rent or utility assistance, call 211.
Tenants or landlords with questions about a specific application submitted before Dec. 1, 2021, should call 844-378-2931 during regular business hours. Please have your application number handy.
Safe Harbor eviction protection
Tenants must pay rent each month or risk eviction. SB 891 extends temporary “Safe Harbor” protections protecting renters from nonpayment eviction until a tenant’s rent assistance application is no longer pending. All safe harbor protections expire on Sept. 30, 2022.
To be protected, tenants must prove that they have applied to their landlord by June 30, 2022, or at or before any first court appearance, whichever is sooner. Documentation can be:
- a copy or photo of the documentation by email or text message
- email, a screenshot, or other written or electronic documentation verifying the submission of an application for emergency rental assistance
Once a tenant has given their landlord documentation of their application, the landlord may not move forward with a termination notice or an eviction action until the application has been closed, denied, or paid. If your application is closed, denied, or paid in an amount that is less than is owed, your landlord can move forward with the eviction process.
After June 30, only tenants who have submitted their safe harbor documentation will be protected while their applications are processed.
Landlords must give ten days of notice of termination of tenancy for nonpayment until Sept. 30, 2022. If you receive a 10-day notice for nonpayment:
- If you haven’t already, apply for emergency rent assistance and provide documentation to your landlord.
- Call the Community Alliance of Tenants (503-288-0130), Springfield Eugene Tenant Association (541-972-3715) Hotlines, or their local legal aid office. (www.oregonlawhelp.org).
If you have questions about eviction protections, please visit the Oregon Law Center’s website for updates at www.oregonlawhelp.org.
You have the right to these protections regardless of your citizenship status.
Other Resources for assistance
Numerous entities across the state received housing and utility assistance funds as part of this federal COVID-19 relief program. Five counties and the City of Portland have opted to accept applications from residents through their own application process. However, residents of all counties are welcome to apply to the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP).
All programs will require applicants to meet the same eligibility criteria. The state is coordinating with local providers to ensure that residents of all counties can submit an application for the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program no matter where they apply.
To learn more about local programs, visit the following websites to see if you qualify for your city or county funds:
Note: You may only select one program to apply to for assistance. Applicants are prohibited from accepting payment from the same expense from different providers and are asked to select one program.
Tribal Governments
Some Tribal Governments received federal funding to operate their rental assistance programs. If you are connected to services through a Tribe in Oregon, contact them directly for more information.
- Burns Paiute Tribe
- Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw
- Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Housing Department
- Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation / Housing Department
- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs / Housing Authority
- Coquille Indian Tribe / Housing Authority
- Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
- Klamath Tribes
Oregon Public Housing Authorities
Rental assistance programs from Oregon Public Housing Authorities may also be available, including the Housing Choice Voucher / “Section 8” program. To learn more about these programs and whether you may qualify, you can search for your local housing agency and click on “find your agency.”
Additional rental assistance programs may be available from your local Community Action Agency.
Utility Assistance
With the concurrent deployment of Emergency Rental Assistance dollars (ERA 1, ERA 2 alongside ERA 3), OERAP recently decided not to continue covering tenant utility bills. This change will allow the state to stretch the limited emergency rental assistance dollars to cover more applicants and keep families in their homes. Oregon has ample utility assistance available that renters and homeowners can access to cover their utility bills. Renters can learn more about where to access utilities in their local communities by contacting their Community Action Agency and calling 2-1-1.
Specialized Assistance for Spanish speakers, Agricultural workers, and Farmworkers
Do you need assistance or application information in Spanish? Reach out to the Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) for additional help with your Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program application. Find more information on the OHDC website or call 1-855-215-6158.
Do you need legal guidance?
OHCS cannot advise on legal matters. For questions related to evictions, please reach out to the Oregon Law Center (https://oregonlawcenter.org/).
Contact Information
The State of Oregon’s allocation of Emergency Rental Assistance is being administered by Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), who administers the funding to local Program Administrators to deliver assistance to households. Some local government entities also received direct allocations of federal Emergency Rental Assistance, but will be using a separate process to administer those funds.
If you have additional questions or need assistance with your application, please contact your local Program Administrator:
County | Contact Information |
Spanish speakers in All Counties | Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) Phone: 1-855-215-6158 | 500 NW 20th Street, Suite 100 Gresham, OR 97030 |
Baker County | Community Connection of NE Oregon (CCNO) Phone: 541-523-6591 | 2810 Cedar Street, Baker City, OR 97814 |
Benton County | Community Services Consortium (CSC) Phone: 541-704-7506 | 250 Broadalbin St. SW, Suite 2A, Albany, OR 97321 |
Clackamas County | Clackamas County Social Services Division (CCSSD) Phone: 503-655-8575 | 2051 Kaen Rd. unit 135 Oregon City, Or 97045 |
Clatsop County | Community Action Team (CAT) Phone: 503-325-1400 | 364 9th St., Clatsop, OR 97146 |
Columbia County | Community Action Team (CAT) Phone: 503-397-3511 | 125 N. 17th St., Saint Helens, OR 97051 |
Coos County | Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) Phone: 541-435-7080 x 370 | 1855 Thomas Ave Coos Bay, OR 97420 |
Crook County | NeighborImpact (NI) Phone: 541-548-2380 x 210 | 1855 Thomas Ave Coos Bay, OR 97420 |
Curry County | Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) Phone: 541-435-7080 x 370 | 1855 Thomas Ave Coos Bay, OR 97420 |
Deschutes County | NeighborImpact (NI) Phone: 541-548-2380 x 210 | 2303 SW First St., Redmond, OR 97756 |
Douglas County | United Community Action Network (UCAN) Phone: 541-672-5392 | 280 Kenneth Ford Drive, Roseburg, OR 97470 |
Gilliam County | Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO) Phone: 541-276-1926 | 721 SE 3rd St, Suite D, Pendleton, OR 97801 |
Grant County | Community Connection of NE Oregon (CCNO) Phone: 541-575-2949 | 142 NE Dayton, John Day, OR 97850 |
Harney County | Communities in Action (CinA) Phone: 541-889-9555 | 915 SW 3rd Ave, Ontario, OR 97914 |
Hood River County | Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) Phone: 541-296-5462 | P.O. Box 1969312 E 4th Street The Dalles, Oregon 97058 |
Jackson County | ACCESS Phone: 541-494-1210 | 3630 Aviation Way Medford, OR 97504 |
Jefferson County | NeighborImpact (NI) Phone: 541-548-2380 x 210 | 2303 SW First St., Redmond, OR 97756 |
Josephine County | United Community Action Network (UCAN) Phone: 541-956-4084 | 280 Kenneth Ford Drive, Roseburg, OR 97470 |
Klamath County | Klamath and Lake Community Action Services (KLCAS) Phone: 541-882-3500 | 535 Market Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 |
Lake County | Klamath and Lake Community Action Services (KLCAS) Phone: 541-882-3500 | 535 Market Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 |
Lane County | Lane County Human Services Division (LCHSD) Phone: 541-682-3776 | 151 W. 7th Ave Suite 560, Eugene OR 97401 |
Lincoln County | Community Services Consortium (CSC) Phone: 541-704-7506 | 250 Broadalbin St. SW, Suite 2A, Albany, OR 97321 |
Linn County | Community Services Consortium (CSC) Phone: 541-704-7506 | 250 Broadalbin St. SW, Suite 2A, Albany, OR 97321 |
Malheur County | Communities in Action (CinA) Phone: 541-889-9555 | 915 SW 3rd Ave, Ontario, OR 97914 |
Marion County | Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency (MWVCAA) Phone: 503-399-9080 x 4003 | ARCHES Project, 615 Commercial Street NE, Salem OR 97301 |
Morrow County | Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO) Phone: 541-276-1926 | 721 SE 3rd St, Suite D, Pendleton, OR 97801 |
Multnomah County | Multnomah County Phone: 503-988-0466 (Available in Spanish and English). Email: rentassistance@multco.us You may also contact 211 or 1-866-698-6155 | 209 SW 4th Avenue #200, Portland, OR 97204 |
Polk County | Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency (MWVCAA) Phone: 503-399-9080 x 4003 | ARCHES Project, 615 Commercial Street NE, Salem OR 97301 |
Sherman County | Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) Phone: 541-296-5462 | P.O. Box 1969312 E 4th Street The Dalles, Oregon 97058 |
Tillamook County | Community Action Team (CAT) Phone: 503-842-5261 | 2310 1st St., Ste 2, Tillamook, OR 97141 |
Umatilla County | Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO) Phone: 541-276-1926 | 721 SE 3rd St, Suite D, Pendleton, OR 97801 |
Union County | Community Connection of NE Oregon (CCNO) Phone: 541-963-7532 | 1504 N Albany St, La Grande, OR 97850 |
Wallowa County | Community Connection of NE Oregon (CCNO) Phone: 541-426-3840 | 702 NW 1st St, Enterprise, OR 97828 |
Wasco County | Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) Phone: 541-296-5462 | P.O. Box 1969312 E 4th Street The Dalles, Oregon 97058 |
Washington County | Community Action Organization (CAO) Phone: 503-615-0770 | 1001 SW Baseline St. Hillsboro, OR 97123 |
Wheeler County | Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO) Phone: 541-276-1926 | 721 SE 3rd St, Suite D, Pendleton, OR 97801 |
Yamhill County | Yamhill Community Action Partnership (YCAP) Phone: 503-687-1494 | YCAP, P.O. Box 621, McMinnville, OR 97128 |